What does healthy weight loss mean?
Losing weight healthily means integrating balanced eating habits and regular exercise routines into your everyday life over the long term in order to achieve your ideal weight. Diets, yo-yo effects, deprivation, cravings and calorie counting have no place here.

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Why can't you lose weight?
Bad habits are firmly anchored in everyday life and keep you from achieving your goals: the daily reach for chocolate in stressful situations, the chips during an evening series marathon on the couch, the drive to the supermarket around the corner.
In January you always resolve to replace your bad habits with healthier ones. You want to exercise every day, stop eating sugar or pasta and eat lots of vegetables instead. This works well at first, but after a short time you fall back into old patterns.
The right mindset and establishing new habits are essential for losing weight
the A and O.

5 Myths About Losing Weight Explained
1. Carbohydrates make you fat
Carbohydrates are not all the same. When we talk about "carbohydrates", we usually mean the "bad carbohydrates". These are found in delicious dishes such as pizza or pasta, in your morning "chocolate croissant" or gummy bears. We are talking about simple carbohydrates here, which are quickly digested by the body and make you hungry again just as quickly. However, carbohydrates do not make you fat per se. Because alongside the bad ones, there are also the "good carbohydrates". These are found in whole grain products, pulses and potatoes. They contain a lot of fiber, which ensures that you feel full for a long time. The good carbohydrates are not only healthy and delicious, but in moderate amounts they certainly won't make you fat.
2. Fat makes you fat
We can also refute this myth. Although fat has more calories than protein and carbohydrates, you should definitely include "good fat" in your diet. Fats are important for regulating our hormone levels. Our bodies also need fat as an energy source to cope with everyday life. Every cell is protected by a layer of fat. Fat is also responsible for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Without fat, these vitamins would be excreted immediately without the body being able to process them.
A distinction is made between the following types of fat:
Unsaturated fatty acids :
They support our cognitive processes, can protect against cardiovascular diseases and are needed for many physical functions. Unsaturated fatty acids are mainly found in vegetable oils (unhydrogenated - i.e. not in the form of margarine), nuts, seeds and fish. Omega 3 and Omega 6, for example, are unsaturated fatty acids.
Saturated fatty acids:
They should only end up on your plate in small quantities, as they are considered harmful to the heart and circulation in larger quantities. They are mainly found in animal products such as pork, cream or butter.
Trans fatty acids:
You should avoid these fats whenever possible. Trans fatty acids are created when otherwise healthy fats are industrially hardened. They are found primarily in ready meals, fried foods, packaged snacks and baked goods. They have no function or benefit for the body. Quite the opposite: they can, for example, cause damage to blood vessels, obesity or strokes.
How can you eat more unsaturated fats and less saturated fats?
3. Coffee dehydrates the body
Also wrong.
This rumor has been around for years. Studies have shown that the caffeine it contains does have a diuretic effect and that the fluids consumed leave the body more quickly. However, since the effect on water balance is very small, you can easily include coffee in your daily fluid intake. Around three to four cups of coffee per day are considered moderate.
4. Fruit juices are healthier than soft drinks
Right and wrong.
It's no secret that sweet drinks like cola, iced tea or Fanta are sugar bombs. On the other hand, orange juice in the morning is considered a healthy source of vitamins and a wake-up drink. Fruit juices are made from fruit and contain vitamins and minerals. But what many people don't know is that fruit juices contain a lot of calories because they contain the sugar from a large amount of fruit.
Did you know that one liter of juice contains about the same number of calories as one liter of cola?
Whether it's fruit juice or cola, the best thing to do to quench your thirst is to drink water. But it's perfectly fine to treat yourself to something now and then. Compared to cola, juice is still the better choice: after all, juices contain valuable vitamins and minerals. Orange juice, for example, contains a large amount of vitamin C in addition to the vitamin folic acid and the mineral potassium. Vitamin C can strengthen the immune system and protect against colds.
5. Multivitamin supplements
replace fruits and vegetables
A regular supply of vitamins and minerals is essential for your body to prevent a deficiency. With a balanced diet with 5 portions of vegetables/fruit (3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit) as well as 1-2 liters of water a day and plenty of exercise in the fresh air, nutrient deficiencies are rare. Food is usually the main source of vitamin intake. One-sided eating habits are a common cause of deficiency symptoms. Vitamin
We absorb D through sunlight. The most common reason for a deficiency is that the skin is not exposed to the sun often enough.
There are many situations in which taking nutritional supplements makes sense. For example, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in the elderly, during the cold season or when a nutrient deficiency has been identified. Adequate supply is also important in times of high physical exertion or stress. Classic multivitamin mixtures usually contain a large number of different vitamins and minerals, which can lead to an unnecessary overdose. It makes more sense to know your individual needs and to take an individual nutritional supplement that is tailored to your needs.
If you choose the topic "weight loss" in the analysis, indyvit will put together your individual weight loss mix. Together with a balanced diet and regular exercise, it can help your body lose weight.
The main components are: green tea, spirulina, L-carnitine. Green tea and L-carnitine can help boost fat burning. Spirulina is considered the most nutrient-dense food and is rich in natural proteins.

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These tips will help you lose weight
1. Find your why:
We all want to feel good in our bodies and look good on the beach. If we think we are unattractive because of our weight and feel bad about ourselves in everyday situations, this can often be an initial motivation. However, if you don't have a strong reason for why, you won't be able to lose weight permanently. As with so many things, losing weight starts in your head.
You've probably heard about how something suddenly "clicks" in your head. Your why is your driving force and helps you to flip the switch in your head and change your diet and exercise routine.
Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Write down what goal you want to achieve by when and what your inner drive is. Helpful questions are: What will your new everyday life look like? How will you feel when you have achieved your goal? Keep this document and read it regularly so that you don't lose sight of your goal and your why.
2. Drink enough:
Drink around 1 to 2 liters of unsweetened drinks throughout the day. On hot days, however, you should increase your fluid intake because of the increased sweating. Is that not easy for you? With the right strategy, it's very simple.
3. Integrate everyday movement:
In addition to a balanced diet, exercise also plays a big role in losing weight. Do you rarely manage to exercise in your stressful everyday life or have you not yet found a sport that you enjoy? Don't let that stress you out, but instead concentrate on your daily exercise as a first step. For example, take a 30-minute walk every day and listen to a podcast or talk to your loved ones on the phone. From now on, only take the stairs instead of the elevator.
4. Make sure you get enough protein, fiber and healthy fats!
Try to make your meals balanced and not just eat low-calorie raw salad. You can use the plate model as a tool for creating a balanced diet: Around half of the plate should consist of vegetables. In all shapes and sizes, if possible. Fill a quarter of the plate with a source of carbohydrates. If possible, choose a whole grain variety, because whole grain products provide valuable dietary fiber and keep you full for a long time. The last quarter of the plate should be a high-quality source of protein. Animal products such as meat, fish, eggs or dairy products as well as plant sources such as lentils, peas or beans are good
protein suppliers.
As a source of fat, you can use 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oils such as rapeseed or olive oil per day when preparing your meals. In addition,
you can treat yourself to a portion (20-30 g) of unsalted nuts, seeds or kernels every day. Fat has a lot of calories, but it also contributes to the feeling of satiety and provides important fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids it contains are particularly essential.
5. Get enough sleep:
Getting enough sleep can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Lack of sleep can lead to obesity. One possible explanation: At night, important metabolic processes take place in the body.
Regeneration processes take place that require a lot of energy. If the energy reserves from dinner are used up, the body gets the energy from your fat reserves. If you don't sleep enough, you interrupt this process and the fat reserves are not used. So focus on sleeping more and promoting a restful sleep without waking up too often.
How much sleep your body needs for optimal fat burning depends on various factors: your age, your internal clock, your
health and your sleep routine. In order to start the next day rested, adults are recommended to sleep between seven and eight hours.

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Not sure what you're missing?
These vital substances will help you:
vitamin B6
More information about vitamin B6Vitamin B6 contributes to normal cysteine synthesis and normal energy metabolism. Vitamin B6 also contributes to normal homocysteine, protein and glycogen metabolism.
green tea
More information about green teaGreen tea is one of the most valued plants in Asian culture and can help the body burn fat. Green tea is high in antioxidants, also known as catechins.
More information about SpirulinaSpirulina is also known as blue-green algae or Arthrospira Platensis and is rich in natural protein and iron. Spirulina is considered the food with the most nutrients and is therefore known as a superfood.
More information about L-carnitineL-carnitine is an amino acid and therefore a natural protein compound. L-carnitine plays an important role in the body's energy production from fatty acids.
Black pepper
More information about Black PepperBlack pepper contains a lot of piperine. The piperine in black pepper has various properties. Among other things, piperine is the main alkaloid in black pepper. Piperine gives the pepper its spiciness.
More information about Omega-3The essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA contribute to maintaining normal blood pressure, normal blood triglyceride levels and normal heart function. Omega-3 sources include krill and linseed.

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How can you integrate these routines into your daily routine?
People are creatures of habit, so new habits are usually slow to implement. It is said that new behaviors only take 66 days to become ingrained. To avoid being overwhelmed and frustrated, you should not implement all new habits at once. You will make it easier for yourself if you tackle the routines gradually. Which of the new habits do you find most difficult? Start with that, because motivation is greatest at the beginning.
Losing weight means stress for the body, which can have a negative impact on your immune system. To ensure a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, an individual immune system mix can be useful. Important vital substances for your immune system include: vitamin C, vitamin D3, zinc, selenium. Herbal substances such as echinacea can also make an important contribution.
And most importantly: Don't let setbacks discourage you and don't fall into the "it doesn't matter now anyway" trap! If it doesn't work the first time, just try again and learn from your mistakes.
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