Create your own formula.

Choose from over 50 ingredients and determine the quantity per capsule.

To the configurator

Here's how it works:

1. 🧬

Wähle aus über 50 Rohstoffen deine Favoriten.
Determine the quantity for each raw material.

2. 🕵️

Overdosing excluded!
Bei uns bist du in sicheren Händen.
Our configurator automatically stops at the maximum daily dose.

3. 🎨

You determine what's on your indyvit, what color it has, and how it smells.

4. 💊

Bestellst du danach dein Produkt, starten wir mit der Produktion von Grund auf und immer frisch.

To the configurator

  • indyvit Produkt von Elaina

    Elaina: "konzentriert & fokussiert"

    My formula (1 capsule/day):

    Pantothensäure: 6 mg

    Eisen: 14 mg

    Vitamin B12: 9.5 mcg

    Magnesium: 60 mg

    Ginseng: 100 mg

    Guarana: 50 mg

    + indyvit Krillöl Kapseln

    I had trouble getting going in the mornings and concentrating. The mix and krill oil really helped me.

  • Nikolas: "Mein veganer Mix in einem Produkt."

    Meine Rezeptur (2 Kaps./Tag):

    Vitamin B12: 10 mcg

    Calcium: 300 mg

    Jod (aus Kelp): 100 mcg

    Zink: 5.3 mg

    Selen: 70mcg

    As I've been following a vegan diet for a long time, I'm knowledgeable about vitamins. Previously, I had up to 5 products in my kitchen (quite normal for vegans 😇). With indyvit, it's now only one.

  • indyvit Produkt von Kundin Sandra

    Sandra: "Wurde auch Zeit ;-)"

    My formula (2 capsules/day):

    Eisen: 21 mg

    Folsäure: 300 mcg

    Vitamin B12: 10.5 mcg

    Vitamin B6: 2 mcg

    Vitamin D3: 9 mcg

    Vitamin K2:

    "My doctor recommended various products from the pharmacy. However, the many products drove me crazy, so I didn't take them regularly. Now it's just 2 capsules per day 🥳"

1 of 3

Brauchst du Unterstützung?

Then the online analysis is just for you:

Answer 15 questions about yourself and your body, and we'll create a tailored formula for you.

To the online analysis

3 reasons why vitamins and minerals should be individually dosed.

Vitamine und Mineralstoffe sind für den menschlichen Körper unerlässlich, um gesund und fit zu bleiben. Allerdings ist nicht jeder Mensch gleich und daher benötigen auch die Vitamine je nach Person unterschiedliche Dosierungen.

Dies hängt vor allem von folgenden Faktoren ab:

1. Alter:
Je älter du wirst, desto mehr Vitamine und Mineralstoffe benötigt dein Körper, da er mit zunehmendem Alter an Nährstoffen verliert. Kinder und Jugendliche hingegen haben einen anderen Stoffwechsel und brauchen deshalb weniger Vitamine.

2. Health:
Auch die Gesundheit beeinflusst den Vitaminbedarf eines Menschen. Krankheit, Medikamente oder eine chemische Behandlung können dazu führen, dass der Bedarf an bestimmten Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen steigt oder sinkt.

3. Ernährungsgewohnheit:
Those who eat more consciously notice that they regularly consume certain foods that are particularly rich in vital nutrients. Naturally, these nutrients don't need to be additionally supplied through supplements. However, if you have an imbalanced diet and consume a lot of fast food, you might not intake many vitamins and minerals through your diet, thus having a higher requirement.

Create your own formula tailored to your body.

eigene Rezeptur erstellen

Why indyvit?

🧬 Unique!
Your mix is tailored for you. Each indyvit is unique - just like you!

🎨 Your Look!
You determine how your product looks. What name, what color, what flavor - your decision!

🙈 Reduction to the Essentials!
Do you have several different products at home that you take regularly? With your personal and individual mix from indyvit, you combine all your products in one capsule.

🛑 Additives!
Conventional products largely consist of additives that you actually don't want. At indyvit, we process the ingredients in their purest form and completely avoid unnecessary additives.

🛃 Quality!
We only work with the best suppliers. All our raw materials undergo multiple checks for quality and suitability. No production starts without control.

🫕 Swiss Made!
indyvit was not only developed in Switzerland but is also produced in Switzerland. This way, we guarantee consistently high quality.

zur kostenlosen Analyse

  • Offene Hand mit vielen verschiedenen Tabletten

    Other manufacturers:

    Several different pills

    >90% Additives

    • Mass-produced goods: 0% Individualisation

    • Since 3 Years on the shelf

    • Made in China

  • Hand mit nur einer indyvit Kapsel


    All in one

    • 100% individulised - for you

    Minimum of additives

    • Always freshly produced

    • Made in Switzerland