Bowel problems? You need to know these nutrients

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Our intestines play a crucial role in our health and well-being. When intestinal problems occur, this can have a significant impact on everyday life. But which nutrients are particularly important to support gut health? In this article, you will find out which nutrients you should know in order to give your gut the best possible care.

The basis: fiber, probiotics and prebiotics

1. fiber: Fiber is an important part of a balanced diet. Not only does it aid digestion, it also contributes to gut health. Fiber-rich foods such as wholegrain products, pulses, vegetables and fruit are readily available in Switzerland and should be a regular part of the diet.

Foods: Dietary fiber is abundant in various foods. In Switzerland, you can get fiber from whole grain products, legumes, vegetables and fruit. Here are some examples:

  • Whole grain products: Oatmeal, wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta.
  • Pulses: lentils, beans, chickpeas.
  • Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, spinach.
  • Fruit: apples, pears, berries.

Time of intake: Fiber should be taken throughout the day. For example, you could enjoy oatmeal or wholemeal bread for breakfast, include vegetables and pulses in your lunch and evening meals and eat fresh fruit as a healthy snack between meals. This helps to ensure a balanced intake of fiber.

2. Probiotics: Probiotics are live microorganisms that can positively influence the intestinal flora. They can help to support the balance of intestinal bacteria and counteract intestinal problems.

Probiotics can be found in fermented foods. You can enjoy probiotic foods every day without any problems:

  • Yogurt: look for varieties with live cultures (probiotic bacteria).
  • Kefir: A fermented milk drink.
  • Sauerkraut: Fermented cabbage.
  • Kimchi: A Korean fermented vegetable dish.

When to take: Probiotics can be taken with meals. A yoghurt or kefir as part of your breakfast or as a snack is a good way to include probiotic cultures in your diet.

3. Prebiotics: Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that promote the activity and growth of healthy gut bacteria. Foods such as garlic, onions, oatmeal and chicory are rich in prebiotics. They can help to maintain a healthy intestinal flora.

  • Foods: Prebiotics are found in certain high-fiber foods. Here are some examples that are available in Switzerland:
  • Onions: Both raw and cooked onions contain prebiotics.
  • Garlic: Fresh garlic and garlic powder are good sources.
  • Oatmeal: In addition to fiber, they are also rich in prebiotics.
  • Chicory: This vegetable contains inulin, a prebiotic.

When to eat: Prebiotics can be integrated into your daily meals. You could use onions and garlic in soups, stews or stir-fries. Oatmeal can serve as a breakfast or snack, and chicory can be served in salads or as a side dish.

Consuming these nutrients evenly throughout the day can help support gut health.

The good thing is that you can easily cover these 3 bases with your daily diet. For example, with oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast and a salad with chicory for dinner.

The essentials: Omega-3, vitamin D3, iron and zinc

Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and trout. They have excellent properties and can help to improve your intestinal well-being. However, we don't usually eat fish every day. That's why you can easily supplement omega-3 fatty acids with indyvit krill oil capsules or indyvit linseed oil capsules.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D contributes to the normal absorption and utilization of calicum in the intestine and to the normal function of the immune system. In Central Europe, there are only enough sunny days in summer to support the body's own production of vitamin D. It is therefore advisable to include vitamin D-rich foods such as oily fish, eggs and mushrooms in your diet. Supplementation is an even easier way to do this.

Iron Iron deficiency can lead to digestive problems. In Switzerland, iron-rich foods such as red meat, pulses and nuts are readily available. A balanced diet can help to ensure you get enough iron.

Zinc Zinc is a mineral that plays an important role in your intestinal wellbeing. Foods such as nuts, seeds and lean meat are good sources of zinc in Switzerland. Alternatively, supplements can also be taken here.

The most natural

Don't forget the importance of adequate hydration. Water is crucial for digestion and maintaining healthy bowel function.

Individually tailored supplements
At we understand that every body has different needs. That's why we offer customized supplements that are tailored to your specific requirements. Our products contain carefully selected nutrients. This way you can ensure you're getting the right nutrients for your gut wellness.

Overall, a balanced diet rich in fiber, probiotics, prebiotics and essential vitamins and minerals is crucial for gut support. If you need additional nutrients, we at are happy to create customized supplements for you.

Gut health should never be neglected as it has a significant impact on our wellbeing. With a balanced diet and, if necessary, customized supplements, you can help support your gut health.


The symptoms of gut problems can vary and often depend on the underlying cause. Here are some common signs of gut problems that are commonly known:

  • 1. abdominal pain and cramping: abdominal pain or cramping are common symptoms of bowel problems. They can vary from mild to severe and can occur in different parts of the abdomen.
  • 2. changes in bowel movements:
    Constipation: Difficulty passing stools and infrequent, hard stools.
    Diarrhea: Frequent, watery stools.
    Alternating between constipation and diarrhea: This is called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • 3. flatulence and bloating: Bloating, gas buildup in the intestines, can cause discomfort and bloating.
  • 4. blood in the stool: Blood in the stool can indicate various problems, including hemorrhoids.
  • 5. weight loss: unintentional weight loss can indicate serious bowel problems, especially if accompanied by other symptoms.
  • 6. fatigue and weakness: Intestinal problems can affect the absorption of nutrients and lead to fatigue and weakness.
  • 7. changes in appetite: Altered eating behavior, such as loss of appetite or excessive hunger, may indicate intestinal problems.

It is important to note that these symptoms do not always clearly indicate bowel problems. They can also occur with other health conditions. If you notice persistent or severe symptoms, it is advisable to see a doctor. A doctor can perform a thorough examination to determine the exact cause of your symptoms and suggest the appropriate treatment.

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