We offer you 3 super easy ways to your perfect supplement. Choose between 1, 2 or 3 and you'll be right anyway... because your indyvit is always made fresh in Switzerland just for you.
  • indyvit 3-Minuten Quiz für kostenlose Rezepturerstellung

    Online analysis

    Answer 15 questions about yourself, your lifestyle and your goals. We will create a customized recipe for you.

    to the questions 
  • Expert mode

    You already know what you want?

    Then you've come to the right place. Decide for yourself which ingredients go into your capsule and in what quantity.

    To the configurator 
1 of 2

  • Swiss production

  • Best quality

  • Certificate of analysis for each ingredient

1 of 3

  • Offene Hand mit vielen verschiedenen Tabletten

    Other manufacturers:

    Several different pills

    >90% Additives

    • Mass-produced goods: 0% Individualisation

    • Since 3 Years on the shelf

    • Made in China

  • Hand mit nur einer indyvit Kapsel


    All in one

    • 100% individulised - for you

    Minimum of additives

    • Always freshly produced

    • Made in Switzerland