Stay warm even in frosty temperatures: how to influence your perception of cold

Selbst bei frostigen Temperaturen warm bleiben: So beeinflusst du dein Kälteempfinden
Winter has us firmly in its grip, and with it come the icy temperatures. But did you know that you can influence how you feel in the cold? In this blog article, you can find out how you can better arm yourself against the cold.

1. Regular outdoor exercise
One of the most effective ways to improve your sensitivity to the cold is regular outdoor exercise. Light endurance sports such as walking or jogging in cool temperatures help your body to adapt to the cold. This trains your thermoregulation and makes your blood vessels more adaptable. This means that you will freeze less quickly when you feel the winter wind.

2. Muscle building for a higher basal metabolic rate
An interesting fact: every additional muscle built in your body increases your basal metabolic rate. This means that you burn more energy, even if you are not actively moving. In other words, a muscular body produces more heat. Therefore, strength training can be an excellent way to improve your sensation of cold.

3. Alternating showers and sauna visits
Regular alternating showers and sauna visits can help to train your blood vessels. Flexible blood vessels are better able to adapt to different ambient temperatures. This is particularly useful if you move back and forth between indoor spaces and cold outdoor air. Make sure you adjust the temperature slowly when alternating between showers to help your body acclimatize.

4. Choosing the right clothing
It may seem counterintuitive, but dressing too warm is not always the best way to beat the cold. If you sweat in excessively warm clothing and then open it up, the evaporative cooling can cause you to cool down more quickly. In addition, a low body temperature weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. It is therefore advisable to dress appropriately, but not excessively warmly.

5. Practice enduring the cold
As with many things in life, practice makes perfect when it comes to enduring the cold. If you regularly go outside in cool temperatures, your body will become less sensitive to the cold over time. This effect can help you get through the winter better.

This winter, when uncomfortable cold both outdoors and indoors is a factor due to energy shortages, you can actively counteract it. Strength training, regular walks in the cold and hardening showers can not only improve your perception of the cold, but also improve your overall health.

5myths about the cold and the truth behind them

Winter often brings with it many myths and misconceptions about how best to protect yourself against the cold. Let's take a look at five of these myths and uncover the truth behind them.

Myth 1: The more body fat you have, the less you will freeze.
The truth: A higher body fat percentage does not necessarily make you less susceptible to the cold. Excess body fat primarily serves as an energy reserve and not as an insulating layer. Body fat does not generate additional heat, and it is often present in areas of the body such as the abdomen, which cool down less quickly anyway. This means that the amount of body fat alone is not decisive in preventing freezing in winter.

Myth 2: The upper body freezes faster than the arms and legs.
The truth: The upper body has more temperature receptors, as vital organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver are located here and need special protection. This is why we are more sensitive to temperature changes in the upper body. However, this does not mean that the arms and legs are less sensitive to cold. The body is always trying to regulate and protect its body temperature.

Myth 3: Tiredness makes you more sensitive to the cold.
The truth: When you are tired, your body can actually react more sensitively to the cold. This is because the parasympathetic nervous system, a part of the nervous system, is more active during periods of rest. This can lead to less activation of measures against cold, such as the constriction of blood vessels, which can lead to a faster drop in body temperature. In addition, alcohol consumption further dilates the blood vessels, which contributes to you freezing faster.

Myth 4: Eating more food helps against freezing in winter.
The truth: Eating more food alone does not help to protect you from the cold. Instead, it is important to eat a balanced diet and drink enough fluids to meet your body's energy needs. The body generates heat through metabolic processes, but overeating will not help you stay warmer.

Myth 5: Warm drinks keep you warm.
The truth: Hot drinks can make you feel comfortable temporarily, but have no long-term effect on your body temperature. However, drinking warm drinks can help you feel warmer psychologically. It's important to drink enough to keep your body hydrated as this can help to support bodily functions.

These five myths show how important it is to use science-based information to protect yourself properly in winter. It is advisable to rely on tried and tested methods such as regular exercise, dressing for the weather and eating a balanced diet to influence how you feel in the cold. And remember, myths can sometimes lead us astray - rely on facts to enjoy winter to the full.
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