Relieve cramp! Get your muscle relaxation with magnesium!

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Hello, dear reader! Today we would like to talk to you about a topic that is likely to be of interest to many people: Muscle cramps. Do you know the feeling when a muscle suddenly cramps up and hardens painfully? Muscle cramps can be uncomfortable and even interfere with our daily activities. But don't worry, there is a natural way to combat these annoying cramps: magnesium!

Magnesium is an essential mineral that fulfills a variety of important functions in our body. These include normal muscle function and normal energy metabolism. It supports the regulation of muscle contractions and helps to prevent muscle cramps. Studies have shown that a lack of magnesium can lead to an increased susceptibility to muscle cramps [1].

Cramps that occur at night and cramps after exercise can be particularly frustrating. They can occur due to various factors, such as overexertion of the muscles, dehydration or an imbalance of electrolytes. Magnesium can play a role in both cases:

Night cramps:
Night cramps often occur in the calf muscles and can disrupt sleep. Magnesium can help to reduce these cramps. It relaxes the muscles and promotes a restful night's sleep. A study has shown that taking magnesium can reduce the frequency and intensity of nocturnal cramps [2]. It is recommended to take magnesium supplements about one hour before going to bed.

Cramps after exercise:
Intense physical activity and sweating during exercise can lead to a loss of minerals, including magnesium. This imbalance can promote muscle cramps after exercise. By getting enough magnesium before and after exercise, you can help prevent cramps. Some athletes have reported that taking magnesium before and after exercise has helped them reduce muscle cramps.

In addition to magnesium, there are other vitamins and minerals that play an important role in supporting muscle health. Here are some to consider:

Potassium is another mineral that is important for muscle health. It supports muscle contraction and helps prevent electrolyte imbalances that can lead to cramps. The recommended daily intake of potassium for adults is 2,000 mg [3]. Good sources of potassium are bananas, oranges, avocados and potatoes.

Vitamin D:
Vitamin D plays an important role in the absorption of calcium, which is essential for muscle contraction and relaxation. A lack of vitamin D can lead to muscle cramps. The recommended daily intake varies according to age and gender. For adults, the FOPH's recommendation is 5 mcg, which corresponds to 200 IU (international units) [4]. Vitamin D can be absorbed through sunlight on the skin and by eating fatty fish, eggs and fortified foods.

Calcium is a mineral that plays a key role in muscle contraction. It works closely with magnesium to maintain the balance between muscle contraction and relaxation. The maximum intake permitted by the FOPH is 800mg [5]. Good sources of calcium are dairy products, green leafy vegetables and almonds.

Please note that individual needs may vary depending on age, gender, health status and other factors. We therefore recommend supplementing with tailored supplements.

Magnesium, potassium, vitamin D and calcium are important nutrients that can help reduce muscle cramps and improve overall muscle health. By consuming these nutrients in sufficient quantities, you can help your body to function optimally and prevent muscle discomfort.

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[1] National Institutes of Health. Magnesium: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. Available at:
[2] Seelig, M.S., et al. (1995). "Magnesium deficiency in the pathogenesis of muscle cramps." In: Am J Cardiol. Available at:
[3] Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office. Recommendations for a balanced diet. Available at:
[4] Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office. Recommendations for a balanced diet. Available at:
[5] Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office. Recommendations for a balanced diet. Available at:

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