Fewer and fewer vitamins and minerals in food

reife Maiskolben in Maisfeld

Today we are talking about the declining quality of arable land and its impact on our food. It is well known that our diet has a major impact on our health. But did you know that the nutrient content of our food has decreased in recent decades? Let's take a look together at the reasons and possible solutions.

Why is the quality of arable soils declining?
There are several factors that lead to the declining quality of arable soils. Intensive farming is one of the main reasons. In order to achieve high yields, monocultures are cultivated and large quantities of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are often used. This can lead to erosion of the soil and impair its natural fertility.

Climate change also plays a role. More extreme weather conditions, such as droughts and heavy rainfall, affect the soil and impair its quality. This makes it difficult for plants to absorb the necessary nutrients, which is reflected in their nutrient content.

What impact does this have on our food?
The declining quality of arable soils has a direct impact on the nutrient content of our food. Studies have shown that some types of fruit and vegetables contain less vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and folic acid than they did a few decades ago. Important minerals such as iron, zinc and magnesium are also affected.

The loss of these nutrients in our food can lead to deficiency symptoms and health problems in the long term. A lack of vitamins and minerals can weaken the immune system, affect bone health and increase the risk of certain diseases.

Why is a balanced diet becoming more difficult?
Due to intensive farming and declining soil quality, many foods contain fewer vitamins and minerals than in the past. Even if we make an effort to eat a balanced diet and eat a variety of fruit and vegetables, we cannot always be sure that we are getting enough of all the nutrients. Modern lifestyles, with stressful times and little time to prepare meals, also contribute to the fact that it is sometimes difficult to meet all nutritional needs through our normal diet.

What can we do to tackle the problem?
As consumers, we have the opportunity to make a positive impact. A varied diet that includes different types of fruit and vegetables is a good start. By choosing local and seasonal produce, we also support farmers who use sustainable farming methods and better protect the soil.

It is also important to promote sustainable agriculture. Farmers can improve soil quality and increase the nutrients in food by using low-impact farming practices and regenerative farming methods.

The '5 a day' initiative has been providing valuable tips on how to get enough fruit and vegetables into your diet for more than 20 years.

The role of food supplements:
Food supplements can be a good help in filling nutritional gaps and ensuring that our bodies get all the important vitamins and minerals. They are available in various forms, including tablets, capsules, powders or liquids. These supplements can be taken specifically to make up for certain deficiencies. The important thing here is to take targeted supplements and not simply multivitamin products.

The declining quality of arable land is a serious problem that affects us all. It affects the nutrient content of our food and therefore our health. By making conscious choices and advocating for sustainable agriculture, we can help ensure that our food is once again rich in valuable vitamins and minerals.
Let's make a change together and strive for a healthier future!

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