You should not combine these vitamins and minerals.

rotes Stop-Schild vor Palmen

As a rule, vitamins and minerals are safe to take together and can even have synergistic effects. However, there are a few points to bear in mind:

  1. Iron and calcium: The absorption of iron can be affected by calcium. If you are taking an iron supplement, you should not take it at the same time as calcium-rich foods or calcium supplements. It is recommended to leave a time gap of 2 - 3 hours between taking iron and calcium to ensure optimal absorption of iron.

  2. Iron and zinc: Iron and zinc supplements should not be taken at the same time as they can compete for the same absorption pathways in the body. To maximize the absorption of both minerals, it is best to take them with different meals or leave a gap of about 4 hours between intakes.

  3. Iron and tea/coffee: Tea and coffee contain compounds known as tannins which can interfere with iron absorption. It is recommended not to take iron supplements with tea or coffee. If you are taking iron, it is best to do so with water or vitamin C-rich juices to improve iron absorption.

  4. Fat-soluble vitamins and orlistat: Orlistat is a weight loss drug that blocks the absorption of dietary fat in the body. Since fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E and K) require fat to be absorbed, taking orlistat can interfere with the absorption of these vitamins. If you are taking orlistat, talk to your doctor about supplementing with fat-soluble vitamins to avoid possible deficiencies.

It is important to note that this information is general and does not apply to every individual case. If you have concerns or specific questions about the combination of vitamins and minerals, it is always best to consult a qualified professional such as a doctor or nutritionist who can assess your individual situation.

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Diese Infos sind sehr gut und wichtig. Allerdings wollte ich wissen, ob ich VitaminB-Komplex zusammen mit Vitamin E 600 einnehmen kann? Und/oder auch Vitamin D3?

Vera Alice Glöckner

Zufällig auf Eure Seite gekommen. Wissenswertes kurz gefasst! Ich bin beeindruckt und werde die Ratschläge befolgen. Beste Grüße Waltraud

Waltraud Oettinger

Ich habe heute auf Ihrer Seite CDL gesucht. Habe ich etwas übersehen?
Besten Dank für Ihre Antwort.

Mantau, Ingrid

Danke, hat mir sehr geholfen, meine Kapsel richtig zusammenzustellen. Gruss Kurt


Bin heute zufällig auf eure Seite gekommen. Bin ganz begeistert und brauche etwas Zeit, um alles zu lesen. Sehr interessant, informativ und übersichtlich! Dankeschön! Werde sie auch weiter empfehlen! Liebe Grüße Heidemarie

Heidemarie Werhonig

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