The differences between medicinal products and food supplements (food supplements)

Arzneimittel vs. NEM

The use of food supplements (FS) has increased in recent years as more and more people look for ways to improve their health and well-being. But what exactly distinguishes food supplements from conventional medicines and why are they preferred by consumers?

1. Definition and purpose
Medicines: Medicines are regulated products that are used to diagnose, prevent, treat or alleviate disease. They are only sold by doctors, in pharmacies or drugstores and sometimes only on prescription. They have undergone strict approval procedures to ensure their efficacy and safety. Medicinal products are subject to the authority Swissmedic.

Food supplements: Food supp lements are products that are intended to supplement the diet. They usually contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plant extracts or other substances and are offered in various forms such as pills, powders or liquids. Their main purpose is to compensate for nutrient deficiencies and promote general well-being. Food supplements serve to keep the body healthy. Food supplements are subject to the Federal Food Safety Office FSVO.

2. Distribution and availability
Medicinal products: Medicinal products in Switzerland are available on prescription or over the counter, depending on their category, active ingredient and use. Most must be prescribed by a doctor, while some are available over the counter in pharmacies or drugstores.

Food supplements: Food supplements are freely available in Switzerland without a prescription and can be purchased in pharmacies, drugstores, supermarkets and online. This accessibility makes them more readily available to consumers.

3. Regulation and safety
Medicinal products: The manufacture and distribution of medicinal products in Switzerland are subject to strict legal provisions and regulatory requirements. The safety and efficacy of these products are intensively tested before they are placed on the market.

Food supplements: In contrast, food supplements are considered foodstuffs and are subject to less stringent regulations than medicinal products. However, this does not mean that they are sold without any monitoring. Manufacturers of food supplements must also comply with quality standards and the products must be safe when used according to instructions.

4. Benefits of food supplements

Flexibility and prevention: Food supplements offer consumers the flexibility to easily supplement their diet to close potential nutritional gaps. They can be used to prevent deficiency symptoms.

Customization: The benefits of food supplements only unfold when the formulation is adapted to the body's needs. At, a company based in Switzerland, customers can order customized food supplements that are precisely tailored to their personal needs and body. This enables optimal and effective supplementation.

contribution to health and well-being: Over 30% of the Swiss population already take dietary supplements on a regular basis. Many of these people report positive experiences with dietary supplements. These products can help to increase overall well-being and support health.

Overall, there are clear differences between pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements, and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. While pharmaceuticals are specifically designed to treat disease, dietary supplements offer a versatile way to supplement nutrition and promote overall wellness. Customers appreciate the ability to order customized supplements to meet their individual needs and support their health effectively and efficiently.

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