The art of separation - Which vitamins not to take together

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Today we're delving into the fascinating world of vitamins and minerals together to shed light on a topic that is often overlooked: the right combination of nutrients.

Your individual needs are important to us at, so today we want to explain why some vitamins should not be taken together to ensure your tailored supplements give you maximum benefits.

Vitamin C and copper - The absorption dilemma
Vitamin C is known to protect your cells from oxidative stress and contribute to the normal function of your immune system. But did you know that it can affect the absorption of copper? Copper is an essential trace element that is important for the formation of red blood cells and the health of connective tissue and skin. These two nutrients compete for the same transport molecules in the gut, which can lead to reduced absorption of copper if taken at the same time. You want to ensure that both nutrients are effectively absorbed by your body - so we recommend taking vitamin C and copper at different meals.

Iron and calcium - The blockage in the gut
Iron contributes to normal oxygen transport in the blood, while calcium is needed to maintain normal bones. Unfortunately, these two important minerals can interfere with each other in the intestine. Calcium can reduce the absorption of iron, which can be particularly problematic for people with low iron status. If you take iron supplements, it's best to plan this outside of meals to minimize the interaction with calcium. Your body will thank you!

Vitamin D and magnesium - Balancing regulation
Vitamin D and magnesium are key nutrients when it comes to maintaining normal bones, muscles and nervous system. Nevertheless, they should not be taken at the same time. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestine, while magnesium can weaken this effect. The ideal strategy? Separate the intake of vitamin D and magnesium to ensure that your body gets the best possible benefit from both nutrients.

Iron and tea/coffee - The insidiousness of tannins
Iron is an essential component of haemoglobin, which transports oxygen in our blood. But when it comes to absorbing iron from plant sources (non-haem), tea or coffee can put a damper on this. Both drinks contain so-called tannins, which can hinder the absorption of non-haem iron in the gut.

Calcium and zinc - competition in the gut
Calcium and zinc are both essential minerals that play an important role in our bodies. Calcium is crucial for maintaining normal bones, while zinc supports a normal immune system, among other things. But here comes a small catch: if you take calcium supplements at the same time as zinc-rich foods, this can reduce the absorption of zinc. The two minerals compete for the same transport mechanisms in the intestine, which can lead to reduced absorption of zinc.

Conclusion: Tailored nutrient optimization is all about getting the best for your body. The right combination of vitamins and minerals can have a significant impact on how efficiently your body absorbs and utilizes these nutrients. By avoiding the above combinations and taking your supplements strategically, you can ensure that you get the most out of your customized products.

Remember that every body is unique. If you have specific questions about your individual needs, we at are here to provide you with expert advice. Your health and well-being are our priority.

Until next time,
Your team
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