5 foods with more protein than an egg

Eierkarton mit Eiern von oben. Ein Ei ist zerbrochen.
Protein is a crucial building block for your body, helping to build muscle, repair tissue and strengthen your immune system. You probably already know eggs as an excellent source of protein, but did you know that there are other foods that can provide even more protein per 100 grams?

An egg contains about 6-7g of protein per 100g. There are also different values of protein based on the quality of the amino acids it contains. The value of a protein indicates how well it provides the body with all the essential amino acids it needs to build tissue and maintain normal bodily functions. Proteins with a high valence provide all essential amino acids in adequate amounts, while proteins with a low valence may not provide all amino acids in sufficient quantities.

indyvit.com is all about creating customized supplements that are precisely tailored to your needs. Let's take a look at five such protein sources that provide more protein than an egg and fit perfectly into your personalized diet.

1. Greek yogurt: Versatile and protein-rich
Greek yogurt is not only delicious, but also rich in protein. It contains around 10g of protein per 100g, compared to the 6g of protein in the average egg. It is not only a great snack option, but can also be used in smoothies or as a base for dips.
The value of the protein in Greek yoghurt is generally high as it provides a good amount of essential amino acids.

2. Pulses: A varied source of protein
Lentils, chickpeas and beans are excellent plant-based sources of protein with around 8-10g of protein per 100g. Pulses also provide fiber, which supports your digestion.
The value of plant protein can vary, but by combining different pulses you can achieve a balanced amino acid profile.

3. Quinoa: The super grain for protein
Quinoa is a versatile 'super grain', providing around 14g of protein per 100g. An average egg contains 6g of protein. It contains all nine essential amino acids and can be used as a base for hot dishes or in salads.
The value of the protein in quinoa is high as it offers a complete amino acid profile.

4. Fish and seafood: underwater protein
Salmon, tuna and prawns are protein-rich options from the sea. They provide around 20-25g of protein per 100g, compared to the 6g of protein in an egg. They also provide healthy omega-3 fatty acids for your heart and brain.
The value of the protein in fish is usually high, as it is rich in essential amino acids.

5. Tofu: Plant-based variety
Tofu, made from soybeans, contains around 8-15g of protein per 100g, depending on how it is prepared. In comparison, an egg contains 6g of protein. From fried tofu in Asian dishes to plant-based scrambled eggs as a breakfast option, tofu offers a wide variety of uses. The value of the protein in tofu is high, especially when it is made from high-quality soybeans.

Bonus: Spirulina as a source of protein
In addition to the foods mentioned above, you should also consider spirulina. This blue-green microalgae is rich in protein and provides around 60-70g of protein per 100g. This far exceeds the amount of protein in an egg. Spirulina can be used in smoothies, juices or even more simply as a dietary supplement.
The value of the protein in spirulina is high as it contains a wide range of amino acids.

Why limit yourself to a single egg when there are plenty of foods that can exceed your protein target? Let your diet be as individual as you are and discover the personalized options from indyvit.com.
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Da habe ich wieder einmal etwas gelernt 😍 Esse ab jetzt nur noch Spirulina 💪


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